Need something else?

At Russell & Russell, we can advise on a wide range of property services, so if you have not found what you are looking for so far, why not give us a call to discuss your situation? But for now, here are some more areas where we might be able to help you. In all cases we will give you a written estimate as to the likely costs based on the information available at this time.

  • Declarations of Trust

    We deal with the preparation of Declarations of Trusts in relation to property ownership.

  • Lease Extension

    We deal with lease extensions where agreement has been reached for the term of the lease to be extended.

  • Personal Guarantees and other forms of ILA (Independent Legal Advice)

    We deal such matters either face to face at our offices or using video conferencing.

  • Possessory Title

    We have considerable experience of successfully applying to the Land Registry where a possessory title is claimed.

  • Title Reconstitution

    If deeds have been lost or destroyed we can prepare and submit an application to the Land Registry to try and resolve the problem.

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