Development covers a vast area of property law in England and Wales and there are many factors that can affect the outcome of a development. From site acquisition to plot sales, greenfield new build to brownfield redevelopment, the legal team at Russell & Russell Solicitors will work proactively to help secure your development opportunity. What would you like to know?

  • What do I need to consider when doing a development?
    Getting involved in developing land can be a complex process, there’s lots of things to consider. For example, has the site already got planning permission? Are there any rights of light issues that need clearing up? What’s the site’s set up – do you need to construct access to connect your development to the highways network? We can advise with all phases of your development.
  • What conditions are attached to planning permission?

    Planning permission sometimes comes with certain stipulations so it’s important to ascertain the local authority’s requirements. It may be that planning for your site has a section 106 agreement attached to it or there are certain land remediation issues that apply before you can start work. 

    Do you need to use specialist materials to reduce the environmental impact your development will have on the surrounding area? Does the planning department want you to make provisions for public open space? These are just some of the caveats that can be built into granting planning permission so we strongly recommend you speak to us so we can guide you through the process.

  • What services exist at a development site?
    These will be all the things you need to ensure you’re development can function. Utility networks – electricity, gas and water – are essential and you should determine accessibility. Also, can you link your site to the existing road network? Do you need to adopt roads or build new ones? Is there a community infrastructure levy? This is a planning charge for local authorities in England and Wales to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area.
  • Can you advise on the best form of site set up?
    Yes, we can provide guidance on issues such as establishing a management company to run and maintain your development once it’s built.